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GSW Brush Cleaner and Preserver Soap 17ml

Green Stuff World

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Art.nr: 2327
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GSW Brush Cleaner and Preserver Soap 17ml

Produktet er midlertidig utsolgt. Dersom du ønsker å motta en epost når vi får det inn på lager, kan du legge igjen epostadressen din i skjemaet under.

This brush soap effectively removes oils, acrylics, watercolors, stains and varnishes, whilst preventing the accumulation of paint on the splint. Restores, conditions and preserves the bristles of the brushes.

Wet the brush with this cleaner and ggently lather against a towel or paper, and rinse.

Allergen-free. Compatible with cosmetic brushes.

17 ml pot.

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